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  • Cleartalk Support FAQs

    * How do I access voicemail on Cleartalk?   Dial *99 from the handset. The SIP account MUST be registered for this to work - which means if you're using an ATA, it has to be turned on. Voicemails a...

  • What are my VoIP Settings

    4  VoIP–Voice over IP– means you are able to place phone calls over the Internet to any phone in the world. The phone you are calling does not need to have VoIP.      Generally the cost of using VoIP ...

  • How to Perform VoIP quality issue Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting VoIP Quality Issues  4 Quality VoIP calls require a quality IP network that can deliver voice packets within the minimum requirements around jitter, packet loss, and latency. Network ...